The Excellent SME Slovenia Certificate

The Slovenian Chamber of Commerce after a successful evaluation of the company Alcad has published the online certificate "Excellent SME Slovenia".


Alcad has obtained a certificate of web-based evaluation and rating from a report drawn up by the International Society of Coface. The online certificate, which is visible in the form of a seal on a website is issued by invitation and pre-ordered evaluation, which runs through the Chamber of Commerce. Companies must acquire a rating of at least 6 and the successful completion of the evaluation. In order to keep certification the rating agency Codax Slovenia, regularly performs monitoring of key performance indicators.

The Excellent SME Slovenia online certificate is supported by SafeSigned security technology that provides a trusted incidence of a certificate, while connecting securely online with the seal of the site, on which a credit rating is situated. Alcad, in addition to this online certificate, has acquired the QR code Excellent SME Slovenia. This allows access to credit information of a company with mobile devices such as tablet computers and mobile phones, through printed material.

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