Privacy statement

Last change: 5th April 2013

The company Alcad d.o.o. is committed to protecting your privacy. Most of the information on the web pages in can be visited without having to submit any information about yourself whatsoever. Access to secure contents and information is enabled to employees of the company Alcad d.o.o. and partners of the company Alcad d.o.o. through a system of secure login. This privacy statement refers to the web pages in but not to other web sites, products or services, with association or without, owned by the company Alcad d.o.o.

Company Alcad d.o.o. guarantees the data collected through the web page will be used solely for the purposes of the company Alcad d.o.o. and will not be passed to a third party or misused in any other way.

Changes to this document

Company Alcad d.o.o. reserves itself the right to update the privacy statement without prior notification of the in web pages users. The date of the last content change is stated at the top of this document.

Copyright © 2013 Alcad d.o.o. All rights reserved.




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Alcad d.o.o.
Mroževa ulica 5
SI-2310 Slovenska Bistrica

Phone: + 386 2 80 55 655
Fax: + 386 2 80 55 665
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